The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and World Agroforestry (ICRAF) envision a more equitable world where trees in all landscapes, from drylands to the humid tropics, enhance the environment and well-being for all. CIFOR and ICRAF are non-profit science institutions that build and apply evidence to today’s most pressing challenges, including energy insecurity and the climate and biodiversity crises. Over a combined total of 65 years, we have built vast knowledge on forests and trees outside of forests in agricultural landscapes (agroforestry). Using a multidisciplinary approach, we seek to improve lives and to protect and restore ecosystems. Our work focuses on innovative research, partnering for impact, and engaging with stakeholders on policies and practices to benefit people and the planet. Founded in 1993 and 1978, CIFOR and ICRAF are members of CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food secure future dedicated to reducing poverty, enhancing food and nutrition security, and improving natural resources.
This role offers support to the maize seed systems team in conducting seed production research for CIMMYT’s eastern Africa maize pipelines.
- Support the maize seed systems team in conducting seed production research for CIMMYT’s eastern Africa maize pipelines.
- Assist with production of pre-basic and basic seed at Kiboko for breeders and partners.
- Assist with production of hybrid seed for use on-farm trials.
- Assist in preparation, planting, management, and harvesting of maize seed nurseries and trials for seed systems work.
- Assist with data collection of seed systems trials and nurseries.
- Supervise casual laborers engaged for implementation of seed systems work at Kiboko.
- Perform any other tasks and assignments related to the projects as assigned by the supervisor.
- Identify and take action to mitigate potential risks within your work area.
- Take reasonable care of own occupational health and safety and that of others as obliged by ICRAF’s Occupational Health & Safety Policy; and cooperate with ICRAF in complying with requirements under any statutory health and safety provisions of relevant Country laws.
- Diploma in Agriculture with 4 years’ experience or BSc in Agriculture (in Agronomy, Crop Science, Plant Breeding, or relevant specialization) with at least 2 years work experience
- Working experience in agronomy or breeding and ability to plant trials using different experimental designs.
- Basic skills in using FieldBook and demonstrated computing and data processing skills.
- Experience in conducting field research trials for a crop research program, supervision skills, capacity to work effectively as a team player, and an ability to work well in intercultural settings.
- Proficiency in spoken and written English.
- Data management skills and knowledge about the key data required in a maize breeding program.